Build the wealth you're                        of


It’s time to stop                                       and                                           so you can finally…

become a member

impulse shopping


Joining the Overcoming Overspending Membership is your ticket to leaving your financial self-sabotage in the dust.

It’s time to stop
                              so you can finally…

impulse shopping

I once shopped away my                       salary.

But I turned my impulse shopping around, and you can too. I’m the girl who can show you how.

click play to hear my comeback story on the Dr. Phil Show.


As seen in

Does this sound like you?

You turn to impulse shopping when you’re feeling bored, anxious, insecure or lonely to make yourself feel better and score the “high of the buy”.

You go to target for toothpaste but end up spending $200 on random unplanned items that found their way into your cart.

You told yourself you were getting the credit card for the perks but somehow ended up with a balance that is growing too fast to manage and you don’t have a clear plan to pay it off.

You’ve tried to budget before, but it felt restrictive and unexpected expenses caused you to throw in the towel and spend ever more.

You often buy things you don’t end up using much (if at all) that end up stuffed in the back of your closet or taking up space under your bathroom sink in your product graveyard.

You make good money but check your bank account at the end of each month and think “Where did all my money go?!”.

You often hide your spending from your spouse or partner and your overspending and impulse shopping is creating tension in your relationships.

You are successful in other areas of your life but money seems to be the one area you can’t figure out. You feel like you should be farther along financially than you are. 

You’ve been chasing more money as a solution to your problem, but even as more money is coming in, your bank account is still growing cobwebs.

You go through the cycle of racking up the credit card debt, paying it off (promising it’s the last time), only to rack it up again months later.

impulse shopping & overspending

Costs the average american household


each month

That’s $6,416 each year and $320,800 over a 50-year adult lifetime.

How would life be different to have that money back in your pocket instead of having it go towards clutter, fees, and interest?



You trust yourself fully with money

and feel calm, grounded, and in control of your spending choices.

You’re never stressed about money

You have an abundance of money in savings and investments, and your money now gives you a deep sense of freedom.

Impulse Shopping is no longer your coping mechanism

You deal with your negative emotions in healthy ways.

You no longer feel restricted or deprived

Spending is no longer about what you “can” or “cannot” have but rather about expressing your unique priorities & personality.

You’ve paid off all your high-interest credit card debt

and you no longer spend money you don’t have. You are free from the burden of debt forever.

Money feels effortless & fun to you

because you’ve set up systems that automate the process so you can focus your time on the things that matter most to you.

introducing the

Overcoming Overspending


I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from transforming my spending habits, paying off six figures of debt, deepening my relationship with money, and building a substantial net worth and compiled it into an easy-to-implement process.

Oh, and I’m handing over the step-by-step system I used to get there... to you.

create the financial life you know you’re destined for

stop impulse shopping & overspending

leave the money stress and guilt behind

become debt free

this is what i need!


Are Saying


I found Overcoming Overspending in a season that felt like I was drowning in debt. And not a little debt, but a lot! Within two weeks of joining the program, I had an exact timeline for my debt being paid off, I had saved myself over a thousand dollars on impulse purchases, and I started to shift my self-concept around money. Paige made me feel seen, valued and heard. She instilled a sense of confidence that I had never experienced before when it came to my finances. Her community is worth every single penny.

Jordi, 29

charleston, sc

Within a few short weeks of implementing Paige’s teachings, I am actively shifting my thinking about my finances and the future. Paige does an amazing job at getting you to think about the root of the issue (instead of “well.. just stop buying things”). I have gained a whole new way of talking to myself and no longer feel shame about the debt I’m working through. This program truly is different from anything I’ve tried previously, and I know I’ll succeed by doing these small changes.

Amy, 34

baltimore, md

Being a part of the community is the first time in my life I feel like I am healing, renewing and up-leveling my relationship with money, myself and with life in general. I have a spending plan that is tailored to my unique situation-- one that supports my ADHD, my inconsistent graduate student income, my need for personal development, and allows me to release stress and anxiety around my financial situation. This is a life changing community for women of all stages of life and I'm so grateful to be a part of it.

Jaelyn, 25

Phoenix, az


Are Saying


I found Overcoming Overspending in a season that felt like I was drowning in debt. And not a little debt, but a lot! Within two weeks of joining the program, I had an exact timeline for my debt being paid off, I had saved myself over a thousand dollars on impulse purchases, and I started to shift my self-concept around money. Paige made me feel seen, valued, and heard. She instilled a sense of confidence that I had never experienced before when it came to my finances. Her community is worth every single penny.

Jordi, 29

Charleston, sc

Within a few short weeks of implementing Paige’s teachings I am actively shifting my thinking about my finances and the future. Paige does an amazing job at getting you to think about the root of the issue (instead of “well.. just stop buying things”). I have gained a whole new way of talking to myself and no longer feel shame about the debt I’m working through. This program truly is different from anything I’ve tried previously, and I know I’ll succeed by doing these small changes.

Amy, 34

baltimore, md

Being a part of the community is the first time in my life I feel like I am healing, renewing and up-leveling my relationship with money, myself and with life in general. I have a spending plan that is tailored to my unique situation-- one that supports my ADHD, my inconsistent graduate student income, my need for personal development, and allows me to release stress and anxiety around my financial situation. This is a life changing community for women of all stages of life and I'm so grateful to be a part of it.

Jaelyn, 25

phoenix, az

Hi, I'm Paige.

Have we met yet?

Coach and money mentor…

… to thousands of ambitious women who have a desire to overcome their overspending so they can reach their full financial potential.

I’ve accomplished some major financial milestones myself like paying off $98,000 of debt and building a multiple six-figure net worth by the age of 30. I can say those results came as a result of transforming my spending habits. But the truth is, it wasn’t always this way. At one point I was a compulsive shopper and had blown through an entire year’s salary. I was drowning in debt and knew virtually nothing about how to manage my finances. 

At the start of my financial journey, I grew frustrated after struggling to find knowledge and tools that helped me make meaningful progress with my out-of-control spending habits. This led me to dig deeper in search of a better way. I started to blend the mindset tools and emotional practices from the personal development space with the black-and-white components of money taught by all the financial gurus. Through this process, I created my own method that addressed the root cause of my shopping & overspending which catapulted my financial results to new heights.

read more

The way I do things is different, but it works. I believe that money has very little to do with math, rules, and logic and more to do with leveraging your mindset, emotions, and unique personality.

I grew tired of watching women struggle with their spending habits and feel like something was wrong with them, when really they just weren’t being given good advice and the tools they needed for lasting change.

This is why I created the Overcoming Overspending Membership. To give you a system to transform your spending habits inside a community that is empowering and supportive. To give you back the confidence and empowerment with your money that you deserve. To show you what’s possible when you marry the mental, emotional, and logical components of money. This is where the magic happens. Let’s go.

go back

As seen in

When you implement my proven system…

you will go from



You feel calm, grounded, and in control when you spend money and you’re free of your credit card debt.


Your spending habits feel totally out of control and are driving you into stressful credit card debt.

You deal with your negative emotions in positive and constructive ways that improve your financial situation rather than destroying it.

You use shopping as a coping mechanism where you chase the “high of the buy” but also experience an emotional crash afterward.

You are intimately connected with your money and it’s a resource you have a deep love and respect for.

You avoid looking at your finances and statements because it’s easier to avoid the reality of your financial situation.

You have a clear and attainable plan for your money and you feel excited about your financial future.

You don’t have a clear plan and path for your money and you believe you will always struggle financially.

say no more, i'm in

When you implement my proven system…

you will go from




You feel calm, grounded, and in control when you spend money and you’re free of your credit card debt.

Your spending habits feel totally out of control and are driving you into stressful credit card debt.

You deal with your negative emotions in positive and constructive ways that improve your financial situation rather than destroying it.

You use shopping as a coping mechanism where you chase the “high of the buy” but also experience an emotional crash afterward.

You are intimately connected with your money and it’s a resource you have a deep love and respect for.

You avoid looking at your finances and statements because it’s easier to avoid the reality of your financial situation.

You have a clear and attainable plan for your money and you feel excited about your financial future.

You don’t have a clear plan and path for your money and you believe you will always struggle financially.

ya know the                                       i was talking about above?

Proven Process

ya know the
                                     i was talking about above?

here's what it looks like

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

manage Your Mind

Your thoughts are the catalyst for every financial result you create so we start the process by managing your mind and learning how to think on purpose and believe new things.

Your mind is a powerful tool and phase 1 will teach you how to leverage it to create financial results that will blow your mind.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

manage Your Emotions

Your feelings are the fuel that drive all of your spending decisions so in phase two we learn how to feel on purpose.

In phase two you will become a better feeler and as a result a better spender. You will learn how to deal with your emotions in healthy ways rather than using impulse shopping as your emotional crutch.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

manage Your Money

To become an excellent spender you need the healthy habits to match.

In phase three I teach you the habits and actions of excellent spenders and coach you on how to use your spending habits to get you from where you are today to where you want to go financially in the future.


Are In!

Rave Reviews

Since joining the Overcoming Overspending community, I now have the tools that I need to truly succeed in my finances. I have become a much more disciplined person and because of this, I have saved so much money! Overcoming Overspending truly has transformed my life in just the few short months that I have been a part of the membership. I am actually excited to work on my finances now and look forward to seeing my future!

Kylie, 24


I knew this program would be different, and it has been. Paige's teachings of how the brain works and WHY many of us struggle with impulse spending made so much sense and were the missing link for me. Since joining the Overcoming Overspending membership, I have had a much calmer and more positive mindset towards money. Where I once felt hopeless and depressed when I thought about my financial situation, I now feel hopeful and optimistic.

Janet, 45

orlando, fl

I am so happy I found Overcoming Overspending! I have been earning a 6 figure salary for the past 13 years but my credit card debt got up to more than $50,000 and I was ALWAYS in the credit card float. I was using impulse spending every day as a mental health coping tool and balance transfers to pay my bills. And I didn’t even understand that until Paige explained it in her program! Paige’s membership explains how we even got to this point and how to get out without being condescending, confusing, or boring.

Kristina, 37

ft. lauderdale, fl


Are In!

Rave Reviews

Since joining the Overcoming Overspending community, I now have the tools that I need to truly succeed in my finances. I have become a much more disciplined person and because of this, I have saved so much money! Overcoming Overspending truly has transformed my life in just the few short months that I have been a part of the membership. I am actually excited to work on my finances now and look forward to seeing my future!

Kylie, 35

Crown point, IN

I knew this program would be different, and it has been. Paige's teachings of how the brain works and WHY many of us struggle with impulse spending made so much sense and were the missing link for me. Since joining the Overcoming Overspending membership, I have had a much calmer and more positive mindset towards money. Where I once felt hopeless and depressed when I thought about my financial situation, I now feel hopeful and optimistic.

Janet, 45

orlando, fl

I have always had a terrible relationship with money and spending. I could honestly never figure out why I overspent until I came across Overcoming Overspending. I’ve literally learned so much about myself and the root of why I make these impulsive decisions regarding money. I used to do a lot of aspirational spending to be this certain person, but I realized that having all the “stuff” doesn’t make me thinner or more beautiful. That is harder work that needs to happen on the inside. Now I am pausing when I feel the urge to spend and evaluating why I want to make the purchase. I am planning for my future self and working my way out of debt. I can absolutely say that this experience has been life altering. It goes beyond budget spreadsheets and gets to the root cause of the problem. Thank you, Paige!

Bridget, 38

redlands, ca

I am so happy I found Overcoming Overspending! I have been earning a 6 figure salary for the past 13 years but my credit card debt got up to more than $50,000 and I was ALWAYS in the credit card float. I was using impulse spending every day as a mental health coping tool and balance transfers to pay my bills. And I didn’t even understand that until Paige explained it in her program! Paige’s membership explains how we even got to this point and how to get out without being condescending, confusing, or boring.

Krystina, 37

ft. lauderdale, fl

Overcoming Overspending is different. It’s not just about how to be better with your finances but understanding your thinking regarding money decisions without judgment or shame. Whether listening to Paige on coaching calls, working through her courses or listening to her podcasts, I feel like she is talking directly to me. I love that. The biggest shift for me so far has been in my mindset regarding money. Paige helped me realize that my brain has been stuck in “all or nothing, short term mode” for a long time. That will not change in a day but with her boundless encouragement, Paige teaches you to be patient with yourself while learning and growing your mindset and ultimately your financial health and life. I can not recommend her work and community enough. It has become one of the best investments I have ever made in myself. Thank you. 

Tamara, 59

columbus, oh

take a deeper look inside 

the Overcoming Overspending process

and discover exactly what you’ll learn

module 1

Manage your mind

  • How your brain is programmed to spend and how to work with your brain rather than fight against it
  • How to stop being a slave to sales along with strategies to take advantage of them so they stop taking advantage of you
  • Limiting beliefs about money that are keeping you broke and new liberating truths to replace them
  • How to detach your self-worth, respect, and esteem from your possessions so you can stop trying to buy your status and worthiness
  • How to leave your “shopper” identity in the dust and build up your new empowering identity as a saver and wealth builder
  • How to quiet and deal with obsessive thoughts you have about future purchases you want to make.

module 2

Manage your Emotions

  • How to deal with the negative emotions you feel in more constructive ways than impulse shopping
  • How to leave behind the guilt and shame you feel from past spending choices
  • How to become more disciplined and delay gratification so you can give up what you desire today for what you want most in the future
  • How to spend your money in a way that boosts your levels of happiness and satisfaction instead of engaging in spending that leaves you riddled with buyer's remorse.
  • How to be someone who can have money, rather than feeling the need to instantly spend it the second it hits your bank account.
  • How to find contentment, sufficiency, and beauty in what you already have, rather than constantly feeling the pull to go out and consume more.

module 3

Manage your money

  • How to make a clear and attainable plan for your money that helps you save, pay off debt, and invest.
  • How to identify and deal with your spending triggers so that they don't throw you off track your financial plan
  • How to spend your money in a way that aligns with the true version of you so that you can fill your life up with things that provide you with the highest levels of value
  • How to gain complete visibility into your spending so that you can ensure you hit every financial goal you set for yourself
  • How to make saving money not only automatic, but feel effortless, fun, and aligned
  • How to create your automated money machine that requires 1-2 minutes from you each day (and allows you to build massive wealth at the same time).


  • All of Paige's money recommendations for budgeting, consolidating debt, credit cards, bank accounts, and more.
  • A free copy of Paige's Every Little Detail Book. A place to document and organize your most important and intimate life details
  • Paige's Credit Card Clarity Course that will help you pay off your stressful high-interest credit card debt.
  • A complete YNAB (You Need A Budget) tutorial from Paige so you can get your spending plan up and running ASAP.
  • The Overcoming Overspending Private Podcast where you can access all the membership material on the go from the convenience of your phone.
  • Monthly calls with guest experts and coaches to deep dive into ancillary topics like money trauma, self-confidence, ADHD, decluttering, and more!

Here's The

Bottom Line.

You know your spending habits are sabotaging your financial success. you know deep change is needed from the inside out in order to start winning financially. you’re just not sure what that looks like and how to get there.

That is where I come in. I’m going to give you the mental, emotional, and tactical tools to overcome your overspending so you can create the financial life you know you’re worthy and capable of creating.

the results you can expect

Increased levels of self-esteem and self-worth that have nothing to do with the possessions that you own or your net worth.

Feeling less stressed, shameful, and guilty about past choices that you have made with your finances. 

Your credit card debt will be a thing of the past and you’ll have the skills and restraint to no longer spend money you don’t have.

Forming much healthier coping mechanisms to deal with your negative emotions that don’t involve spending money.

Knowing how to use your money as a tool that brings items, experiences, and services into your world that provide the highest level of value to you.

Develop your capacity to have money so that you’re not spending it impulsively as soon as it hits your bank account.

Being able to feel good when you spend money, but also being able to feel just as good when you don’t spend money.

Having more money back into your bank account from being a more disciplined and intentional spender.

You will have complete visibility into your spending and your relationship with your money will deepen to levels you never thought were possible.

…and so much more!

i want these results, sign me up!

Your monthly investment is the amount of the average Sephora order.

For          A Month You'll Get:


  • Monthly Money Topic & Challenge to keep you motivated and on track
  • The 3-Phase Overcoming Overspending Process (21 video modules)
  • 10 calls every month with Paige to get personalized support
  • Bonus courses and resources on topics like debt, budgeting, mindset, and more!
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending
Overcoming Overspending

Overcoming Overspending has truly transformed my financial life. In the one year I have been a member, I have had many successes and this is because of Paige’s incredible coaching. Some of my points of pride include paying off $19,000 of debt, raising my credit score by 20 points, and having 2 months of expenses saved up. I wasn’t sure if I was going to join the Overcoming Overspending community and I am SO glad I did. If you have any doubts about whether it is worth it, it is. You are worth it!

Edie, 54

Aurora, CO

The Overcoming Overspending program has opened my eyes to consumer culture and helped me build a much better relationship with my money. Before I joined 3 months ago, my husband and I had $60k in credit card debt and $25k in unsecured personal loans, and yet, I still could not stop spending money on things I did not need. I just assumed I would always be in debt. Paige has helped me realize I was spending money for how it made me feel at that moment not from the product itself. I was buffering to avoid my feelings of boredom and loneliness. Now I follow the 24-hour rule before purchasing, created a money map, and the started building an emergency fund. I still have a long road ahead ($80k), however, I now have a solid payoff plan along with a great community and support system to guide me along the way.

Crystal, 42

des moines, IA

I went through the Overcoming Overspending process and it has changed my life. I have learned to not beat myself up so badly for past mistakes and try to look to the future of being debt free and hopefully retiring in a few years. I have cut my overspending and impulse shopping by at least 90%. I'm much more mindful and intentional with my purchases, and I do give myself at least 24 hours (but usually much longer) before I buy something. I have managed to stop using most credit cards and have paid a few off already. I am so relieved I found Paige and started her program. This resource has been invaluable to me. 

Cindy, 60

des moines, IA

At first, I was skeptical that Overcoming Overspending could help me change my money habits. I've read tons of books and listened to so many podcasts that left me feeling defeated and hopeless. What sets Paige apart is her focus on the emotional aspect of managing money. Using her method, I am now spending and saving from a place of peace, not panic. But the most important change I've seen while participating in this program is the change in my relationships - with myself, my family, my money, the world. Learning to feel my emotions and take responsibility for my thoughts has truly been groundbreaking for me. 

Katie, 43

Austin, tx

At 44 years old I have been through the cycle of running up my credit cards and paying them off multiple times and knew I needed to do SOMETHING different to change my old habits. The OO program has genuinely helped me create a mindset shift about the habits that kept getting me into debt. I hope to be debt free by the end of 2025. Paige’s coaching has also motivated me to sell things I already own and use the proceeds to pay on current debt. I’ve made over $700 so far and have a lot more things I’ve found to let go of.

Alicia, 44

San Diego, ca

What's Included in your membership

21 video modules to teach you the proven 3-phase approach.

The Overcoming Overspending process

Detailed session notes and exercises to further retain and apply what you’re learning.

The Overcoming Overspending Workbook

10 live coaching calls each month with Paige to get personalized coaching & support.

10 Monthly Group Coaching Calls

An exclusive online group for members only for added accountability and encouragement.

Online Facebook Community

Ability to watch the last 12 months of past coaching calls with Paige and current members.

12 months of past coaching call replays

Access to bonus courses to aid your spending journey like a complete YNAB tutorial, debt payoff course, and more!

Value-Packed Bonus Courses

Deep dive into a designated money topic each month with a corresponding challenge to keep you motivated and accountable.

Monthly Money Topic & Challenge

Access to the member’s only private podcast where you get exclusive lessons, coaching, and insights from Paige.

members only private podcast

Additional coaching & support from guest experts to coach you on topics like trauma, food, and debt.

Calls with Guest Experts and Coaches

I can’t wait to begin! sign me up

What's Included in your membership

21 video modules to teach you the proven 3-phase approach.

The Overcoming Overspending process

Detailed session notes and exercises to further retain and apply what you’re learning.

The Overcoming Overspending Workbook

10 live coaching calls each month with Paige to get personalized coaching & support.

10 Monthly Group Coaching Calls

An exclusive online group for members only for added accountability and encouragement.

Online Facebook Community

Ability to watch the last 12 months of past coaching calls with Paige and current members.

12 months of past coaching call replays

Access to bonus courses to aid your spending journey like a complete YNAB tutorial, debt payoff course, and more!

Value-Packed Bonus Courses

Deep dive into a designated money topic each month with a corresponding challenge to keep you motivated and accountable.

Monthly Money Topic & Challenge

Access to the member’s only private podcast where you get exclusive lessons, coaching, and insights from Paige.

members only private podcast

Additional coaching & support from guest experts to coach you on topics like trauma, food, and debt.

Calls with Guest Experts and Coaches

How does the membership work?

Immediately upon joining, you get an email with your login credentials to access our private members-only portal where you’ll be able to access all of the overcoming overspending material. You’ll be able to immediately download the program workbook and dive into the overcoming overspending process.

While you’re working through the overcoming overspending process, you will be able to attend our 10 monthly members-only coaching calls, access the members-only community on Facebook, and participate in our monthly deep dive topic and challenge to keep you motivated and engaged.

Being a part of the overcoming overspending membership means you are committed to changing your financial trajectory for the long term. This isn’t a quick in and out. This is truly for those who are ready for a long-term commitment to a lifestyle change and are looking for the accountability and support that comes with this one-of-a-kind membership.

I’m ready to get started

“I’m nervous it won’t work for me.”

I get it. You’ve already spent so much money on things that didn’t give you what you thought they would. The last thing you want is for this membership to be another one of those things. 

But what if the result of spending money on this membership would be the exact opposite of the above?

What if instead of continuing to spend your money on things that clutter up your world and leave you feeling worse about yourself, you could actually use your money in a way that makes you feel excited about your financial future?

If we’re being honest with ourselves, we know that this money is going to get spent. Maybe not in one fell swoop or on one purchase. It could be across 10 different Target trips or a few late-night wine-fueled Amazon shopping binges but we know it’s getting spent eventually. 

The decision is whether you want to use this money on more items with no lasting value that will leave you feeling disappointed or if you want to invest in yourself and use your money in a way that will turn your financial future around.

The money is getting spent. The question is… on what?

okay, i get it now. sign me up!

 Did someone say bonuses?

Ohhhh ya. And lots of em.

Bonus #1

Bonus #2

Bonus #3

Bonus #4

Bonus #5

Bonus #6

The Overcoming 
Overspending private podcast



YNAB Complete Tutorial



Unburdened - My debt payoff course 



Self-Love, Self-Confidence, & Self-Trust Bonus Course



Bonus Courses



Every Little Book



with Guest Experts on Topics like Decluttering, Overeating, Money Trauma, Nervous System Regulation & more!

Did someone say bonuses?

Ohhhh ya. And lots of em.

The Overcoming 
Overspending private podcast

Bonus #1



YNAB Complete Tutorial

Bonus #2



Unburdened - My debt payoff course 

Bonus #3



Self-Love, Self-Confidence, & Self-Trust Bonus Course

Bonus #4



Bonus Courses

Bonus #5



with Guest Experts on Topics like Decluttering, Overeating, Money Trauma, Nervous System Regulation & more!

Every Little Book

Bonus #6




(You're Up Next)



Are Saying


Since I joined the Overcoming Overspending community 6 months ago, I gained clarity on the amount of credit card debt I owed and I made a plan to tackle the debt by creating a budget. I I asked my husband for help, I dealt with the guilt and emotions that come with owing $60K. He was excited to see I had a plan, and that I was learning how to budget and change my compulsive shopping habits. I was made aware of how my “future self” benefits from the choices I make today. I am still working towards eliminating my debt, I am down to 10K, so I’m almost there! I am working on changing my relationship with my money, and dealing with my emotions. All of this was possible by being part of the Overcoming Overspending program and community. 

Monica, 43

glendale, ca

Working with Paige, I didn't get all the same tips that haven't worked. Instead, I received the insights into my own behavior triggers that allows me to finally see the change I've been wanting to see. The weekly coaching sessions keep me accountable and keep the awareness top of mind. Those calls along with the community also allow me to not feel alone in my struggles. The bonus of the YNAB tutorial has also given me the process and tools that have finally stuck. The money I've saved by being involved in this community has far surpassed the investment. If nothing else has worked, I highly recommend investing and taking a chance on Overcoming Overspending!

Kelly, 41

homer glen, IL

I am so glad I found Overcoming Overspending. I had done a lot of work on my home and this was just what I needed to close the door on overspending. Paige’s judgment free zone is a safe place to ask questions about spending, debt and making a money plan. Yes, I am finally using a budget! I’ve also loved being part of the challenges she does to motivate the community and participating in coaching calls. It’s a total WIN!

Charlene, 54

cheshire, ct

Since I joined the Overcoming Overspending community 6 months ago, I gained clarity on the amount of credit card debt I owed and I made a plan to tackle the debt by creating a budget. I I asked my husband for help, I dealt with the guilt and emotions that come with owing $60K. He was excited to see I had a plan, and that I was learning how to budget and change my compulsive shopping habits. I was made aware of how my “future self” benefits from the choices I make today. I am still working towards eliminating my debt, I am down to 10K, so I’m almost there! I am working on changing my relationship with my money, and dealing with my emotions. All of this was possible by being part of the Overcoming Overspending program and community. 

Monica, 43

glendale, ca

Working with Paige, I didn't get all the same tips that haven't worked. Instead, I received the insights into my own behavior triggers that allows me to finally see the change I've been wanting to see. The weekly coaching sessions keep me accountable and keep the awareness top of mind. Those calls along with the community also allow me to not feel alone in my struggles. The bonus of the YNAB tutorial has also given me the process and tools that have finally stuck. The money I've saved by being involved in this community has far surpassed the investment. If nothing else has worked, I highly recommend investing and taking a chance on Overcoming Overspending!

Kelly, 41

homer glen, il

I am so glad I found Overcoming Overspending. I had done a lot of work on my home and this was just what I needed to close the door on overspending. Paige’s judgment free zone is a safe place to ask questions about spending, debt and making a money plan. Yes, I am finally using a budget! I’ve also loved being part of the challenges she does to motivate the community and participating in coaching calls. It’s a total WIN!

Charlene, 54

cheshire, ct

Worry not friend. I've got you.

How can I leave behind the shame I feel from my past spending and financial choices?

How can I develop the discipline to give up what I want right now for what I want most in the future?

How can I start using my money as a tool that makes my life better instead of a tool that fills it up with clutter and excess? 

How can I pay off my credit card debt and stop spending money I don’t have moving forward?

How can I stop hiding my past spending choices from the people I love most?

How can I deal with my negative emotions in more constructive and positive ways than shopping?

How can I stop being a slave to a sale and constantly buying things I don’t really need on a whim?

How can I feel more calm and in control of my spending choices?

i’m ready to find out the answers

As you crank through the Overcoming Overspending process, and apply what you're learning, you're gonna have some questions. I want to make sure you understand how to apply this process to your own financial journey.

Inside you'll find answers to questions like:









How is Paige’s process different from others?





I'm not your average money guru. That's because I marry the black-and-white math of money with the mental components. You need both to be successful, which is why we spend so much time working on your mindset before we get into the black-and-white "how-to's".

Overcoming Overspending is different because it's going to give you both the mental and tactical tools to make meaningful and long-lasting change to your spending habits.

Can I get personalized support and coaching from Paige?

Absolutely! Our hour-long group coaching calls allow you to come on and either submit your specific questions through the Q+A Zoom feature (your questions can remain anonymous if you wish) or you can volunteer for 1:1 coaching within the community where we will coach for 10-20 minutes at a time. We do 10 of these calls each month so there are plenty of opportunities to ask your questions and get personalized coaching with Paige.

You can also ask specific questions and get support from Paige within the Facebook community as well.

What happens after I join?

As soon as you join, you will have access to our Member Portal which contains the Overcoming Overspending process (we even have an app to use on your phone while you're on the go!) which you can start going through at your own pace. 

You will also receive an email with instructions on how to access our exclusive Facebook Group, member’s only private podcast, and get plugged into our live coaching calls. You’ll have everything you need to hit the ground running minutes after joining the community. 

When are the coaching calls held and how are they delivered?

Every month we have 10 hour-long coaching calls hosted on Zoom (2-3 calls each week). 

The schedule for the calls change each month to accommodate different schedules and time zones but we always have a mix of morning, mid-day, late afternoon, and evening calls.

Every week we have a general coaching call (where any topic can be coached on) and we also have topic specific calls on subjects like debt, money mindset, saving money, budgeting, etc. 

Replays are always made available within 24 hours of the call if you're not able to attend live.

I’m not in the US. Can I still join?

Of course! Members from all backgrounds and locations are welcome to join as there is nothing in the program that is exclusive to US members. The program can be applied to matter where you live, the currency you use, etc. as we have members of the community from all over the world!

How much time does it take to get through the Overcoming Overspending process?

There’s no set timeline that you have to follow to get through the program. We have a wide range of speeds that members go through the content in. I recommend spending 1-2 hours a week with the content and giving yourself at least 6 months so that you can take your time and really dive deep and implement all you’re learning.

I have ADHD. Can this program help me?

Yes! We have many women inside the program with ADHD who have had stellar results with the Overcoming Overspending process (you can read their testimonials below):

"I have only been in the program for about two months, but I can already see my mindset shifting. The focus on thinking and feeling has been a game changer for me, especially as someone with ADHD who couldn't figure out why I just couldn't spend less money because it seems so simple. Now, I'm learning to sit with my urges, work through my feeling of shame around my debt, and I have a hopeful view of my finances. I know my debt won't be paid off overnight, but I can see a future where I am no longer in credit card debt and spending my money well!" - Amanda

"I have tried budgeting since I got married 20 years ago. I've tried coaches and many programs. When I found Overcoming Overspending, it seemed different. I've never thought about money in this way and although I'm still making my way through the program, I've noticed mindset shifts that have even affected my work attitude. I have ADHD and impulse control isn't my strong suit. I have begun to notice the triggers for overspending before they happen. I still have my moments but I'm getting better at knowing what's happening and sitting with the feelings. I plan on being a member of OO for as long as it takes for me to feel in control. I also found the credit card course and YNAB course VERY helpful. I'm so glad I found Paige!" - Andrea

How long do I have access to the membership for?

For as long as you want! But if you decide to cancel… 

within your first 30 days and receive a refund you will lose access immediately at the time of your refund.

past your 30 day guarantee you will retain access to all membership assets until the last day of your current billing cycle. After your last billing cycle ends you will lose access to all membership assets.

Is it easy to cancel my membership?

Incredibly easy. When you’re ready to leave, simply email, and your membership will be canceled within 1-2 business days.

What if I join the membership and realize it’s not for me?

I want you to feel 100% confident about your decision to join The Overcoming Overspending Membership knowing there is zero risk if it's not for you, so I am covering your purchase with our Love it or Leave Guarantee. 

If you don't LOVE The Overcoming Overspending Membership within your first month (30 days from joining), I'll give you a refund of your first month’s payment.

Simply email no later than 3 business days PRIOR to the one-month anniversary of the date you enrolled in The Overcoming Overspending Membership to request a full refund.

I have another question that’s not answered here…

We’d love to help answer it for you. Simply email and we will get back to you ASAP.

Overcoming Overspending Membership                   


I always over deliver in value. It’s just what I do. 

The Overcoming Overspending 3-Phase Process - valued at $2,997

10 Live monthly coaching calls for members only - valued at $4,997 annually

Overcoming Overspending Course Workbook - valued at $497

Bonus courses on budgeting, credit cards, and more - valued at $997

Online members-only Facebook community - valued at $297 annually

Monthly Money Topic & Challenge - valued at $1,997 annually

This is close to $12,000 in value.

Yup. The results you’ll create from overcoming overspending are valued at close to twelve times what I’m charging on an annual basis. 

My goal here was to make this a no-brainer price for you, whoever you are, wherever you are because I know women everywhere need this strategy now. I don’t want you to overcome overspending someday, I want you to get started today. 

So I’ve priced it so you don’t have to hem and haw… you don’t have to be caught up in “Should I or shouldn’t I?”. Instead, you can jump in and get started!

That’s a 92% discount. 

stressed out


The gal who is flat-out stressed and worried about her financial future. She often turns to impulse shopping and buying things as a coping mechanism to distract herself from her financial reality. Her stress about her money causes her to shop and overspend which then just makes her money problems more dire. oh, the irony.



The gal whose past spending habits have led to daunting credit card debt that is weighing her down and keeping her financially stuck. She feels stretched to the max emotionally and feels like there is never any breathing room with all of her unplanned spending and surprise expenses each month.

Who Overcoming Overspending is For



The gal who is fed up with mediocre financial results and is tired of barely scraping by. She feels like she should be a lot farther along financially than she really is and is sick and tired of not living up to her potential. She's ready for a change and she knows that starts with transforming her spending habits.

Who Overcoming Overspending is For



The gal who is fed up with mediocre financial results and is tired of barely scraping by. She feels like she should be a lot farther along financially than she really is and is sick and tired of not living up to her potential. She's ready for a change and she knows that starts with transforming her spending habits.



The gal whose past spending habits have led to daunting credit card debt that is weighing her down and keeping her financially stuck. She feels stretched to the max emotionally and feels like there is never any breathing room with all of her unplanned spending and surprise expenses each month.

stressed out


The gal who is flat-out stressed and worried about her financial future. She often turns to impulse shopping and buying things as a coping mechanism to distract herself from her financial reality. Her stress about her money causes her to shop and overspend which then just makes her money problems more dire. oh, the irony.

the private podcast

When you join the overcoming overspending membership, you will receive your own personal link to subscribe to our private members-only podcast. Access the latest tips, training, and insights from Paige and special guests to supercharge your learning on the go.


How much money are you spending each month on….

impulse buys

sky-high interest

bank fees

The items you buy on a whim in the Target dollar section, TJ Maxx check out aisle, or TikTok shop that you get little to no use out of.

Has your shopping & overspending put you into credit card debt? If so, I’m guessing you’re paying out the you know what in interest payments each month.

Are your finances a hot mess? If so, I’m betting you’re paying for at least a couple of late fees and overdraft fees each month ($39 at a time).

Let’s put all that money back in your pocket to go towards the things that matter most to you.


By becoming a member of

the Overcoming Overspending Membership

Stop impulse shopping & overspending

Leave the money stress & guilt behind

Get out of debt (for good this time)

Create the financial life you know you’re capable of

The investment: $79/month for as long as you want to stay

become a member here

love it

leave it


30-day guarantee

 I want you to feel 100% confident about your decision to join the
Overcoming Overspending Membership knowing there is zero risk if it’s not for you, so I am covering your purchase with my Love it or Leave It 30-Day Guarantee. 

If you join the Overcoming Overspending Membership and it’s not for you, simply email me at within your first 30 days, and I’ll refund you in full and wish you on your way! That’s how much I believe in the value of this process and community to transform your finances. 

So rest-assured knowing that you can join now, with nothing to lose.

i’m in! join risk free!

Paige is the first coach who has been able to ACTUALLY help me! I’ve spent thousands on “money manifestation” coaching which put me further into debt. Since working with Paige, I’ve been able to stop using credit cards altogether, when before I was on my way to bankruptcy. I’ve paid off 10K of my 40K of credit card debt, but for the first time I am able to resist urges and take a moment before making a purchase. The work Paige does is truly life changing and is making a positive impact on our society - I truly believe that! 

Lisa, 35

Arvada, co

Overcoming overspending has helped me in so many ways, but the biggest change for was in the mindset. I’ve learned how to handle the impulse to buy everything. The ‘urge to splurge’ and realized that it isn’t always a good thing to have everything. It creates clutter which creates chaos in my life which makes me unhappy and that has been my biggest realization! 

Ashley, 29

Caldwell, idaho

I have been a part of the Overcoming Overspending community for 2+ years. Not only have my finances improved but my relationship with money and how I spend has been transformed. I was able to pay off over $5,000 of debt using Paige’s methods and reframing my mindset around how I view my debt. I look forward to every coaching call with Paige as she shares her knowledge of money and psychology around spending. Her program has truly been life changing for me. Thank you Paige! 

Denise, 45

chicago, il

As someone who has struggled with overspending for years, I had gotten to the point where I felt like I’d “tried everything”. Traditional finance advice would always fall flat for me because it never addressed the actual root of my overspending.  In just a few short months the Overcoming Overspending community has changed my life. I have saved money, transformed my money mindset, and actually feel hopeful for the future. If you feel like you’ve tried it all join Overcoming Overspending!

Jessica, 32


By being a member of the Overcoming Overspending community I have made huge changes to my financial life for the better. Paige is so positive and I can tell she genuinely cares about her members. Her positivity about money is contagious! I have become more appreciative of my money and less fearful and avoidant of my finances due to Paige’s teachings! Learning the science behind why we overspend and shop has helped me stop the overspending and overconsumption.

Tiffany, 44

colombus, oh

meet your new money coach

Paige Pritchard is a money mindset and management coach for women who want to overcome their overspending habits and ditch self-sabotage so they can reach their full financial potential.

Her financial journey started with $98,000 of debt and having shopped her way through an entire year's salary. However, through coaching and a commitment to self-improvement, she became debt-free, purchased her first home, cash-flowed her MBA, and built a multiple six-figure investment portfolio all in her twenties.

Through her years of educating and coaching thousands of women via her membership, podcast, and social channels, Paige has developed a fresh and unique blend of money management, merging the "how-to's" of money with money mindset work. She's a firm believer that you need to master both the math and mental aspects of money to reach your full financial potential. 

She holds a bachelor's degree in Marketing from Texas A&M University, a dual-concentration MBA in Marketing & Finance from the University of Michigan - Dearborn, and is also a Certified Life Coach through The Life Coach School. Her work has been featured in publications such as The Washington Post, The Skimm, BuzzFeed, US News, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, NBC Nightly News, and the Dr. Phil Show.

She lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband Ryan, daughter Palmer, and two fur children Ellie & Poppy.

Find me on socials

As seen in

have a question that wasn’t answered?

Email me. I’m happy to help!

email me here